Freelance 2D Motion Designer


blog on art + entrepreneurship

4 Ways to Blog Smarter with Your Smart Phone


1) Blogging in bed 

Don't say it. I know it's a faux pas to do work in bed. It works for me. The first thing I do in the morning is get on my phone. I'm not checking Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or my email (most of the time at least).    

Wake up and write for 30 minutes to an hour before you even get out of bed. 


  1. Sleeping and dreaming activate your brain in a different way than your conscious thoughts. 
  2. You start the day focused on something strongly related to your goals.
  3. You get to stay under the covers for an extra hour! 

2) Capture blog topics better

When a blog idea hits you, don't jot it down on paper or in your notes app where you might lose it or forget about it. Open your blogging app, start a draft, add the title and save.


  1. You can't lose the idea. It's in your blogging app. 
  2. It gets you in the habit of opening your blogging app. The hardest thing to do is start. By building the muscle memory of opening the app, you have eliminated one barrier to blogging on your phone.

3) Blogging in the in-between times

Build a new habit of opening up your blogging app and write 100 words.

Replace the habit of checking your phone for Instagram likes with writing and you'll be amazed with how much more you can get done.


  1. You learn to replace your Low Value Default Mode.
  2. Your mind stays on track to meet your goals instead of wandering down pointless trails.

These are some great times to try this...

  • on the toilet (me currently. Whoops. tmi)
  • in the waiting room
  • on the bus

These are bad times to try this...

  • while driving!
  • at the dinner table
  • or any time you're with people. Put your phone down. Don't be rude.

4) Dictate

I go back and forth between typing and dictating on my iPhone. I really like being able to speak a quick sentence out. Having that extra option to get an idea out is nice to have. You might be surprised at how helpful this tool is.


  1. Speaking engages a different part of your brain than writing does. Come up with new ideas by talking them out.
  2. It's often faster to speak a sentence or two. Just watch out for tricky words... and always edit. 


I hope this helps you blog smarter! It's been valuable for me to use my smartphone to aid in my blogging efforts.

What tools or processes do you use to help you blog? I'd love to hear about in the comments or on Twitter @austin__saylor!

Austin Saylor